Thursday 30 October 2014

What i will be in Five years later?

   Everyone must have their own dreams on what they gonna be in five years later. For me, in five years later maybe i'm just finished my studies at the greatest university at United Kingdom. There is, The University of Warwick.

   After back to my lovely country, Malaysia,  I start working at Bank Negara as,an accountant or maybe I'm gonna take place as thr Gabenor replacing Tan Sri Dato' Sri Dr Zeti Akhtar Aziz.

   At there, I'm gonna meet someone that can be my future husband. His gonna be four years older than me, tall, dark and rich.

   So in five years later I'm gonna has work and career. Beside has someone special that can be my husband.

By: Aishah Munirah Zahrul Saharudin

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