Sunday, 12 October 2014

The Last Book That I Have Read

The last book that I have read is ‘Oliver Twist’ by Charles Dickens. It was a famous novel.

Oliver Twist is the story of a boy who was born in a London workhouse and whose mother died shortly afterwards. Mysterious circumstances brought his mother to this vile place. The people that were in charge of this workhouse were callous and malicious towards him. Oliver, despite his circumstances was a child that had a heart of beauty.

The famous lines that many know, even if they've never read Oliver Twist, "Please, sir, I want some more." These words came from young Oliver in order to feed the empty pit in his belly. I also wondered if not only did he want more food for sustenance in his body, but that he also wanted more in life besides his sad state.

Oliver seemed to be accused at every turn for things he didn't commit. Eventually he would be introduced to the Old Jew Fagin who would work to teach him to be one of his "boys." Despite the rat-like monster Fagin, Oliver's conscience would not allow him to hurt others.
Through hazardous circumstances Oliver met Mr. Brownlow and he would become Oliver's advocate.

I loved this story! Reading this story has been one of the highlights in my reading life!

Post by: Nur Syahira Izni Binti Saidi

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