Wednesday 13 August 2014

Vacation Is Holiday

         Hello! Today I want to share a little bit of some places where I want to vacation soon.


         The picture above is one vacation spot that I dreamed since 16 years old. The picture above is Munich. Munich is the most popular markets and the third largest city in Germany. There are more range shop, boutiques, and department stores. So, I want to collect some money to shopping a lot of thing at Munich such as clothes, shoes, food and gift.

         I also want to have a vacation at Jeju Island in South Korea. I believe I can release my tension here and enjoy the scenery which is in the spring, the field of Jeju Island covered by yellow rape blossoms. I can see sunrise from a volcanic crater if I can have a vacation here. In Jeju Island always be the shooting place for drama korean because the scenery is beautiful here.


         And the last place I want to have a vacation soon is Rome in Italy. It is because I want bring my bestfriend to achieve her dream. I also want have fun with her in Rome such as The Colosseum and Pantheon. We also want to explore the history of Rome as our knowledge.

         I hope I can have more vacation to add some experience and knowledge soon.


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