Thursday, 18 September 2014

It Was A Nightmare

Tic, Toc, Tic, Toc.....          
         The clock is shown at 3 o’clock in the morning but outside home still look a dark. I can’t sleep. I don’t feel sleepy even it was late. Moreover, the time is at 3 o’clock and remembered the horror story that I had ever watched before this for a moment. It make me feel scared. I closed my eyes closely and forced myself to sleep. the sound of glass breaking in the kitchen surprised me. I woke up and out from my bedroom and walk slowly to the kitchen. 
          I saw a monster of spider in the kitchen. It look at me. I glued. The spider move slowly. It come slowly. I scared.  I can’t thought anything and run fast from there to save myself and screaming. However, the spider using its cobwebs to catch me. I surprised and can’t move because its cobwebs twisted my body. The spider come close to me. I want called my parents loudly but I can’t. the cobweb was wrapped my mouth. I can’t survive anymore. 
          I woke up immediately. I am breathless. My body sweating. I realized that I had sleep. I look at the clock on my desk. It is 6 o’clock. I am glad that is only was a nightmare.

Post by: Nur Syahira Izni Binti Saidi

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