Saturday 13 September 2014

Hobby !

         A hobby is a special work which a person does for the sake of his amusement. It is our favorite recreation. A hobby is generally an art in which a person is most interested. Everyone has a different hobby in life.


         My hobby is badminton. I play on leisure time to spent time with useful things.

         This hobby got started when i was a little girl. I had always wanted my parents to play with me. Soon they got fed up and tired to playing, my parent will be advised to rest. in evening i always play in front of house.

         Playing badminton will reduce the pressure inside. I learned instructions how to play. I learned to playing the wonder of the world. I hope to make the world impressed with my succes especially my parent can support me.

By: Wan Nur Faqihah binti Wan Zuraizihan 

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